
Sunday 3 June 2007

Im so tired but....

We've had the most wonderful couple of days at the Papercrafts Festival. The show was a little smaller than we expected but in many ways that was a bonus for us. Lots of people commented that they were glad that they didnt have to push their way through the crowds, and as well, they had more time to stop and talk to us, to watch the demonstrations and to make a project with us. Here's the wallet that people got to make with us......

Lots of people bought our show bags, and lots of people expressed an interest in doing a workshop with us. And everyone enjoyed making the projects, whilst some people placed orders. So the level of interest was really exciting.

If you are one of the many people who took a catalogue with you today, please feel free to place an order by contacting me either by email at or by phone on 0412 375 552. I can have your order delivered to you, and the turnaround time is quite quick.

Of course dont forget that the Idea Book and Catalogue is just that - a wonderful ideas book. You'll find inspiration to create hundreds of projects, layouts and cards. So grab a cuppa, find a comfy chair and go through the catalogue at your leisure. You'll be really glad that you did!

And thank you for making the Papercrafts Festival such a lovely experience!


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